Action & Measures to Take
What Can We Do?
To reduce air pollution, limit plastic use and prevent petrochemical companies from being built there are different measures and actions we can take. In order to see and create change, we need to be able to take initiative and be an active member of the community. We also need to voice our concerns and be willing to collaborate with others. A few things we can do to reduce pollution, limit plastic use and prevent petrochemical companies from being built involves working as a community and taking personal measures.
Working as a Community:
When we work as a community to improve the well-being of the public and reduce air pollution exposure from petrochemical companies it helps to voice our concerns, identify community needs, and communicate with on another. Working together as a community also leads to positive outcomes such “as increased awareness on current initiatives, community engagement, and active participation2“. Engaging communities are beneficial because they are involved in meetings, organizations, and policy stakeholders2“. As a community, people come together and raise awareness on air pollution and petrochemical industries. They can also reinforce stricter regulation policies if enough people come together and join hands to stop the construction of petrochemical factories. In addition, when it comes to plastic, educating others about what products to avoid and replace is important to prevent exposure to harmful toxins.
Personal Actions & Initiatives
There are many strategies related to air quality that help to measure and reduce air pollution. Some personal measures and initiatives someone could take to reduce air pollution exposure, plastic use and bring awareness to petrochemical companies include:
- Participating in sustainable organizations that help spread awareness on the dangers of air pollution and learn how to make changes within the community
- Taking part of petitions that can help stop the production of factories that release harmful chemicals in the air
- Getting recognition from government representatives/officials which can inhibit the production of petrochemical plants and provide assistance to the community, especially those in need suffering from the effects of air pollution
- Being educated on current health concerns and petrochemical companies
- Limiting the use of single-use plastic and switching over to different products such as glass and cardboard
Other measures to reduce air pollution exposure include:
- Limiting physical activities outdoors1
- Utilizing air quality alert systems to plan activities1
- Wearing face masks to prevent inhaling chemicals1
- Avoid cooking with fossil fuels1
- Ventilating and isolating cooking areas1
Participate In Organizations or Talk to Local Government Officials
Participating, attending and showing up to local council meetings can help to raise awareness on air pollution and petrochemical companies. It can also help to advocate for public health concerns, discuss community needs and promote system change3. Additionally, talking to local and state government officials can help to address community needs and vote for policies that support public health3. If we engage with elected officials we can learn what their priorities are and let them know what our priorities are as well3. This helps to bring attention and voice our concerns regarding certain matters, such as air pollution and plastic. Paying attention, learning, and listening to others also plays an “essential part of accelerating change”3. One benefit this from this is that it gives us the chance to learn about people’s life experiences, ideas, concerns and collaborate with one another.
For St. James Parish, individuals who are part of Rise St. James, take community initiatives against petrochemical companies to bring awareness on health issues related air pollution and limit company construction. In addition, the residents of Louisiana, especially Sharon Lavigne, has brought the attention of petrochemical companies to the government officials and authority in Louisiana, to seek assistance, however no changes were made. Therefore, this influenced Ms. Lavigne to reach out to other organizations and even visit the White House in Washington DC, to spread awareness on the health effects petrochemical companies cause. So, by spreading the message and using our voices to state our concerns this helps to make changes and push for safer health measures. Furthermore, being able to participate in organizations and talk to local government officials this helps to advocate for change, build factory regulations, and improve health standards within the community.
Organization to Join and Learn about:
- Rise St. James:
- St. James Parish Council:
- Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality:
- Louisiana Government and State Officials:
- Stop Formosa Plastics:
- Beyond Plastics:
- Alliance to End Plastic Waste:
- The Years Project addresses Climate Change:
For more Information on Control Measures and Strategies:
- Control Strategies to Achieve Air Pollution Reduction:
- Adaption Strategies For Protecting Air Quality:
- What You Can Do to Reduce Plastic Waste:
- Controlling Air Pollution from Oil and Natural Gas Operations:
1.) Carlsten, C., Salvi, S., Wong, G. W. K., & Chung, K. F. (2020). Personal strategies to minimize effects of air pollution on respiratory health: advice for providers, patients and the public. The European respiratory journal, 55(6), 1902056.
2.) Ward, F., Lowther-Payne, H.J., Halliday, E.C. et al. Engaging communities in addressing air quality: a scoping review. Environ Health 21, 89 (2022).
3.) Stephens, J.C. (2020). Diversifying Power: Why We Need Antiracist, Feminist Leadership on Climate and Energy. Island Press. (pg. 1-11).